On 20 June 2024, the ALBATROSS coordinator Laura Leo (UNIBO) joined the Climate Services for Africa Policy Workshop, jointly organised by the EU-funded projects FOCUS-Africa, DOWN2EARTH and CONFER in Brussels. Our sister project Safe4all also attended the workshop.

This event featured discussions on sustainable financing, job creation, and the integration of indigenous knowledge into meteorological practices. They also explored how the European Union can support African-led research and operational improvements. 

“Insightful discussions” were held among participants, according to Laura Leo, as esteemed stakeholders participated in the event, namely Lucy Mtilatila, Director of the Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services of Malawi; Katarzyna Drabicka, leader of Climate Team on both Mitigation and Adaptation Work Streams, Climate & Planetary Boundaries Unit of the European Commission; and Hanan Rabbah, Director General of the Sudan Meteorological Authority. “It was a good chance to build synergies and learn from the experience of other projects”, she concluded.