CRD Network

The engine of the ground its research and innovation actions being carried out in ALBATROSS is embodied in the establishment of the Climate-Resilience Development Network, which represents a pan-African and transnational structure grounded in the Living Labs concept, integrating indigenous communities with local research and policy organisations.

The hubs comprising this CRD network have been strategically distributed in different climatic areas in Western, Eastern and Southern Africa plus the Madagascar island. They consist of well-developed territorial communities managed directly or indirectly by the project partners; they represent the network hubs and are the fundamental unit on which the project actions are based.

The hubs will work in synergy on three key issues for ALBATROSS and of strong interest to the countries involved: Environmental-Socio-Economic Vulnerability, Internal Migration, and Natural Hazards.

Keta Basin Hub, Ghana
  • Region: Western Africa
  • Climate: Tropical wet-dry or Savanna (Aw)
Keta, Ghana
Kigamboni District Hub, Tanzania
  • Region: South Eastern Africa
  • Climate: Tropical wet-dry or Savanna (Aw)
Kigamboni, Tanzania
Kumasi Hub, Ghana
  • Region: Western Africa
  • Climate: Tropical wet-dry or Savanna (Aw)
Kumasi, Ghana
Morondava District Hub, Madagascar
  • Region: Madagascar
  • Climate: Tropical wet and dry or savanna climate (Aw)
Morondava, Madagascar
Tamatave District Hub, Madagascar
  • Region: Madagascar
  • Climate: Tropical rainforest (Af)
Tamatave, Madagascar
Turkana county Hub, Kenya
  • Region: North Eastern Africa
  • Climate: Arid hot desert (BWh)
Turkana, Kenya
Umzimvubu Catchment Hub, South Africa
  • Region: East Southern Africa
  • Climate: Temperate without dry season cold summer (Cfb)
Umzimvubu , South Africa