On 22-26 July 2024, the International Summer School Nature-based solutions for hydro-meteo hazards and climate change adaptation took place in Bologna, Italy. This summer school was organised by the ALBATROSS coordinator University of Bologna as well as UNESCO, and focuses on the three EU-funded projects OPERANDUM, LAND4CLIMATE and ALBATROSS, aiming at demonstrating the effectiveness of Nature-based Solutions (NBS) to hydro-meteorological hazards in several case study sites. 

During the whole week, experts in different fields covered topics such as hydro-meteo risks in socio-ecological systems and hydro-meteo extremes in a changing climate; nature-based solutions, their approaches and benefits against hydro-meteo hazards; land policy and spatial planning and stakeholder engagement and nature-based solutions co-creation.

31 students, both European and African, attended this summer school and enjoyed the activities organised alongside the lectures. These activities included a field trip to showcase the nature-based solutions implemented in OPERANDUM more than 2 years ago (an artificial sand dune covered by vegetation). The knowledge gained from this project will be advantageous and the solutions implemented will inspire ALBATROSS to develop the climate services and nature-based solutions that meet the needs and gaps identified in the seven hubs comprising the Climate Resilience Network.