On 7 August 2024, the kick-off meeting of the Tamatave Hub was held in the Port Academy Center Toamasina, Tamatave, on the east coast of Madagascar.

The meeting was run in a nice atmosphere, being opened by the Tamatave mayor and Atsinanana Governor, and followed by presentations by all the consortium partners working in Madagascar, namely Bôndy, who is also the coordinator of the Tamatave Hub, CERED, Oxfam South Africa and UNESCO. They explained the overall aim of the project, as well as the approach that has been planned for the development of climate services and nature-based solutions in Madagascar, and specifically, in the Tamatave hub.

The meeting was attended by diverse attendees, from researchers to representatives of civil organisations, agriculture cooperatives and private companies, representatives, who had fruitful deliberations and dialogues on the relevance of the solutions proposed for coffee and cocoa and other climate services needs.