The Turkana Hub kick-off workshop was held successfully on August 8 – 9, 2024 at the Cradle hotel in Lodwar, Turkana County, hosted by the ALBATROSS partners of the University of Nairobi.

The meeting held on August 8, 2024 was with the County Steering Group Committee which is a multi-sectoral and multi-agency team comprised of both state and non-state actors. The workshop had 60 participants in attendance. The County Steering Group is a forum established by the County Government and National Government to convene the top decision-making institutions and development actors within the county including governmental, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), International non-governmental organizations (INGO), and Faith Based Organizations (FBOs) to discuss, assess, approve, and validate Programmes and Projects within the county government. The guest of honour was the Turkana County, Director of Environment who was sent to represent the Governor of Turkana County. The workshop was officially opened by Ms. Phobe Ekali, Director Environment, Turkana County on behalf of the Governor of Turkana County. In her opening remarks, she emphasised on the need for collaborations and partnerships to effectively build resilience among the communities affected by climate change. The county steering group validated ALBATROSS project and pledged to support it to ensure its success. The senior county government officials in attendance included Jacob Ekaran Lotesiro from National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) Turkana County, Phoebe Ekali, Director, Environment, Turkana County Government, Julius Kavita, County Commissioner and Thomas Kiyong’a, Deputy Director, Climate Change.

On the second day we met with various stakeholders from community-based organizations, village elders, ward administrators and ward climate change committee. The workshop had a total of 54 participants in attendance. The opening remarks were made by Mr. Joseph Ekalale the Chief Officer Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Natural Resources and Climate Change. Other senior officers in attendance were Jacob Asembo County Director of Environmental affairs with the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) in Turkana County who also made opening remarks, Judith Etaan, Director Human Resource Manager, Thomas Kiyong’a Deputy Director Climate Change and the Ward administrator Turkana Central Township Ward.

The stakeholders discussed issues related to climate hazards facing the Turkana community and how climate information services and nature-based solutions can be upscaled and used to build the resilience of the Turkana communities to adverse effects of climate change. Both the state and non-state stakeholders expressed their excitement over the ALBATROSS project and pledge support to ensure its success in achieving the projective objectives and outcomes.