First joint workshop among the three sister projects – ALBATROSS | SAFE4ALL | ACACIA

On 3 February 2024, the three projects funded under the topic HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01, ALBATROSS, SAFE4ALL, and ACACIA, the so-called sister projects, celebrated a joint online workshop to start exploring opportunities for synergy and cooperation. The meeting raised high expectations, as it was attended by 75 partners from the three projects.
Project introductions and overviews were given by the three coordinators, Laura Leo from ALBATROSS, Spyros Paparrizos from SAFE4ALL and Erik Kolstad from ACACIA. Although each project has specific objectives and approaches, the three projects have in common that they all aim to improve and support climate change adaptation in African countries and that they are all based on co-creation with local actors.
Several ideas arose for future joint meetings and for directing the collaboration between the project, most of them related to organising joint events with stakeholders, including science-policy dialogues, in the different African countries where the three projects are working, as well as celebrating joint co-creation workshop in these countries, taking into account the importance co-creation has in all the projects.
We hope this has been the first of many joint events, which we are sure will bring great opportunities!
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