The Umzimvubu Hub was successfully launched on the 28th of August at the Umzimvubu Catchment Partnership (UCP) quarterly workshop meeting held between the 27th-29th August 2024.

At this meeting, the ALBATROSS partners from Cape Town University involved in the project had the opportunity to engage with a group of wide-ranging stakeholders and experts from Traditional Community Leaders, local practitioners and national UCP project partners actively involved and invested in the catchment activities that are centered on nature-based approaches and solutions.

To launch the ALBATROSS project, the European and African Consortium Hub partners were introduced, together with the broader aim and objectives of the project. A plenary break-out group session was used to interactively discuss concerns about local-level experiences of natural hazards and priority sectors of interest in the catchment to address current climate change and service needs in the catchment.

ALBATROSS was warmly received as was demonstrated by the lively discussions and dialogues that commenced about potential climate services that would be relevant to address the needs within the catchment concerning climate change adaptation. We warmly acknowledge and thank Environmental Rural Solutions (ERS) for this opportunity to engage with the UCP members and extended community in the Umzimvubu catchment.