
ALBATROSS has established synergies with similar initiatives under topic Call HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01 focusing on the needs-based adaptation to climate change in Africa, intending to favour a networking environment and maximize the project’s impact and dissemination of results, as well as facilitating knowledge exchange and mutual learning.

The following projects are the so-called sister projects of ALBATROSS:



SAFE4ALL, Safeguarding African Foodsheds and Ecosystems for all Actors across Local, regional and international Levels to manage migration,  aims to harness the EU climate services landscape and leverage it with local knowledge from African case studies to co-create information and facilitate its uptake at the local to district and regional levels.



ACACIA aims to enhance the resilience of at-risk communities in Sub-Saharan Africa to climate impacts, particularly from floods and tropical cyclones, by improving the ways climate services are produced, communicated and used for making short-term and long-term decisions.